ANNOUNCEMENT: I need your help!!!

4431384820_320696_xlargeWe’re all partial to a little bribery, right?!

Well I’m trying to build my base so that I can help out as many parents as possible with my activity / recipe ideas.  And will be following it up with my business idea.  Facebook, however, has other plans.  It is hard for businesses to be seen by all of their likers unless they spend a lot of money “boosting” posts or paying for advertising.  Now, like you, I don’t have a money tree out the back.  But I do have access to some pretty awesome people who are willing to help me out.

I am excited to announce that coming up over the next few weeks / months, I will be doing a few more small giveaways, and having a large giveaway when I reach 1000 likes.  I will be partnering up with August Boutique and SelectCleaning to bring you a prize that will well and truly give you a HAPPY MUM HAPPY CHILD (see what I did there!).

I will also be running a competition throughout each month – the top 10 posts will be collated, and the person who has commented, and liked the most of these posts, will win a prize.  Now this prize won’t be as big as my 1000 likes prize, however it’ll still be a fun prize that will benefit you and your child.   So essentially, the more you like and comment, the more chances you have of winning my monthly prize.

So, what do you need to do?  You need to LIKE my page (which you probably already do) and just keep looking out for my posts.  If you like what I have to say, give the post a LIKE, or SHARE it.  The more you do this, the greater chance you have of winning a prize.

YOU are what drives me.  I can’t do this without you, so I need your help.  Nothing like a little bribery to help us along the way hehe

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[…] 2.  Announcement: I need your help! […]

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