My Blog

This is where I spew the thoughts in my head, out into text that is hopefully in a readable format.

Maria | Happy Mum Happy Child

Yes My Kids Eat That Much

My kids usually have cereal or toast for breakfast, followed by an apple; and then at school they have their lunch that I make them.

Someone Always Has It Harder

—————————————————— Someone always has it harder than you; but it doesn’t make your struggles any less valid, and certainly doesn’t mean you can’t speak about

Movie Review: Red Sparrow

——————————————————— I was very fortunate to be invited to an amazing screening of Red Sparrow. Jennifer Lawrence plays Dominika – an injured ballerina who has

Maria | Happy Mum Happy Child

The Times I Want To Quit

There are some days when I want to pack it in and never return. Where I just want to be honest about my entire life

Maria | Happy Mum Happy Child

Glow Dreaming Review

Before I launch into my review, I just need to give a little background information as to why I got sent the Glow Dreaming unit.

These Nursery Products From Kmart Are Amazing

————————————————————- 1. Wooden Cot – White ——————— 2. Wooden Change Table ——————— 3. Music Box – Forest ——————— 4. Wooden Camera – Assorted ——————— 5.

Keeping It Real

————————————————– I sometimes see people’s comments about me saying “she keeps it real as a parent” (said in the positive). Or sometimes people will say

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