Breastfeeding Sucks

Breastfeeding Sucks by Happy Mum Happy Child

Breastfeeding Sucks by Happy Mum Happy ChildIf you ever see a Mum breastfeeding and think “Man, that looks lovely.  So peaceful”.  Yes it probably does look that way.  But I can tell you that 90% of women go through hell when their baby is first born.

Breastfeeding is a bitch.

In my opinion, it was WAY harder and more painful than giving birth.  And the bloody pain continues for MONTHS!

With my first born, I breastfed for 3 months and then bottlefed.  I was in so much pain, and no one could tell me if it was normal.  Everyone kept saying “it shouldn’t hurt when you breastfeed”.  What they didn’t tell me was – YES it f’ing hurts like a bitch.  And it will continue to hurt until your nipples get used to it.

I used to cry every time I fed my daughter.  My toes used to curl up, and if anyone tried to talk to me, they would get the death stare.  I couldn’t function while breastfeeding.

I also had PND and didn’t trust myself as a Mum.  So onto the bottle my baby went.  Second time around, it wasn’t easier.  It still hurt.  But I knew that if I continued with it, it would get better.

And it did.  My son is now 15 months old and is still breastfed.  I wish I had more support the first time around, and more information.  Nobody would tell me that what was happening was actually normal – which is really disappointing.  I even went to a lactation consultant and they said “well it shouldn’t hurt” ……

Anyway … the point of this blog, is to reassure first time Mums.  Yes, breastfeeding hurts.  But yes it will get better.  If you are concerned, please talk to your Midwife.  Or your doctor.  Or your friends.  Heck, most of you reading this probably belong to some kind of internet group where you can talk about it.

Sometimes, the pain you are experiencing isn’t just the “breaking in period”.  It could be more serious like Mastitis.  So don’t sit there and suffer.  Speak up.

Hydrogel Breast DiscsI found the most helpful thing during my second breastfeeding attempt were the Hydrogel Breast Discs.  I put these bad boys in the fridge and it was HEAVEN to put them on after a breastfeeding session.

I felt like my nipples healed a lot faster than the first time around.

You can buy these Hydrogel Breast Discs for $19.99 from Baby City.  They come in a pack of 12.  I highly recommend sticking them in the fridge.

Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs provide cooling, soothing relief to cracked and sore nipples, allowing you to continue breastfeeding.  Safe and non toxic for you and your baby, the discs keep the nipple area dry and restores your skin’s natural moisture

I know many Mums use creams, powders, etc etc.  And I truly believe, if you have found something that works, stick with it!  However, I just felt these Hydrogel discs were amazing.

Whatever you do in your parenting journey – whether it’s breastfeeding or bottlefeeding – as long as you are happy within yourself, that is all that matters.  Your baby is getting food no matter what.

And believe me when I say this – breastfeeding does get easier!   It doesn’t hurt forever.  Your nipples just need to harden up, and you need to give it time.  It doesn’t happen overnight.

Do you have any tried-and-true methods for helping nipples to heal??  Let me know!

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I remember that pain well! My son is 12 months old now and a great feeder. He just kinda grabs the boob and shoves it in, and best of all, no pain (unless he bites…different story). But starting out was awful! I would sit on the couch feeding him with tears streaming because of the pain, and would dread him waking up because that would mean having to feed him. Long story short, I saw a lactation consultant and finally figured out I had Raynauds of the breast and learnt ways to manage it, including going on Nifedipene (sp?) for 3 weeks which is a blood pressure med and can often help. I reduced the meds slowly and after another month stopped them altogether, with no pain at all, even through winter (and cold is a huge pain trigger for raynauds). So, this is a long winded way of saying, if someone has usually bad pain and damage but cold (e.g. Hydrogel, frozen cabbage leaves etc) make it 10x worse rather than helps, consider that it could be Raynauds. There is a NZ website which I wish I’d found at the beginning, which had SO much info on how to manage it.

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