Every Single Time


Every Single Time


Every single time you guys astound me; you blow me away with your amazingness.

Yesterday I posted about how I was increasing my PND medication because I’m just not coping. And today, I feel better for it.

I even went to Kmart and bought a whole heap of storage containers to help file away all of our shit in our house. We have a small house, and loads of shit. So it means it’s hard to hide. But I think I have semi-solved that problem.

I still need to go through and throw out / donate stuff, but for now it’s “filed away”.

BUT, what I’m going through, I highly doubt is the WORST EVER, yet you guys offer so much support.

I literally got HUNDREDS of private messages and hundreds of Snapchats (happymumnz) giving me words of support or commiserating with me and you have no idea how much I appreciate it.

Honestly – it blows my mind that even though I know you guys probably have it worse than me, you are still able to offer kindness to some random person on the Internet.

Some of you don’t even have depression, yet you offer support and again, that is truly amazing.

So I truly thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much it means to me that you’ve messaged me.

I must apologise I haven’t had a chance to respond to everyone – purely because there are SO many messages, but I will get there eventually.

Thank you for your support. You are an amazing person.


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