These are the reviews I’ve done on products I’ve been sent! If you would like me to review a product of yours, please contact me on maria@happymumhappychild.comWaterWipes Review
Review For: WaterWipes I’m a Mum who uses flannels and warm water to clean my boys mess up when changing his nappy. I’ve used wipes in
Tornado Tammy Review
Review For: Tornado Tammy Tammy introduced herself to me a few months ago, and her business, Tornado Tammy. The idea was that she would
Doodle with Peppa Review
Review For: Kiwi Mummy Blogs Kiwi Mummy Blogs recently asked me to review the Peppa Pig: Doodle with Peppa book, by Ladybird. This book is

EZ Sox from The Dream Bag
Review for: The Dream Bag Every child needs to learn to do things for themselves, to become independent. Which ultimately is a win win for

Little Grippers
Review for: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Do your kids’ socks always fall down? Or do they slip over in their socks? Little Grippers solve this

Sili Squeeze from Cruisy Baby
As requested by a fellow Facebook team member (this is what I call the likers on my page), here is a review on the awesome

Baby Ink Inkless Printing Kits from Squoodles
The thought of trying to get your baby’s hand or foot print is pretty daunting, especially when you have to use ink that can potentially
Squooshi Pouches from Nourished Nutrition
Oi YOU. Do you have a kid that wants to feed themselves? Or perhaps just need a different type of vessel to give to your

Coveralls from Mud Mates
Painting. Rain. Puddles. YUCK. Even though it’s great for kids to have access to these things, I HATE DOING WASHING. So I am often
The KiddiKutter from August Boutique
Ever wanted to give your kid a knife and NOT worry about them stabbing themselves? Or not worry that they’ll cut a limb off. Well guess
Busy Bags!
© Maria Foy | Happy Mum Happy Child BUSY BAGS – THE REVIEW Need something quick and easy to pull out and entertain your child?
Exciting Things Coming Soon …
I have some exciting product reviews coming up – Busy Bags, KiddiKutter’s (from August Boutique), Squooshi Food Pouches (from Nourished Nutrition) … and many more!
The Sleepytot!
Let’s face it, we all enter this parenthood challenge saying “I’ll never give my child a dummy”, and we end up doing it. It’s a
My next review
My next review is near and dear to my heart, as I’ve actually been using the product for a long time now. Well before I
Doidy Cups
Do you have a baby who refuses a bottle? Or, would you like your child to learn how to drink from a cup? The Doidy
Belle Bands
I was a bit hesitant at first, to do this review, as my 3 year old daughter has very fine hair, and her head is
Feeding Fiddlers
Whether you breastfeed, or bottlefeed, we all have one thing in common – an active and nosey baby! As they get older their attention gets
Kai Carrier Icicle Pouches
These icicle pouches can be used for homemade ice blocks, ice creams or just to fill with snacks for your child. 100% reusable. NO SPILLS!
Jelly Ice Blocks
Jelly Ice Blocks These ice blocks are BRILLIANT. Made with jelly and water, they hold extremely well together, meaning when eaten by your child (or