Feeling Like Shit

Feeling Like Shit

A Little Scared

This post serves no purpose other than to bitch about my feelings right now.

My 4.5 year old went back to Kindy today. After almost 4 weeks together (2 of which were sick, the other 2 were School Holidays), it was a well and truly overdue moment.

We all had such a great day together, my son and I..

Then my girl got home from Kindy. My boy and her started fighting. And I almost broke down.


I managed to separate them, and got them doing different things. Then it was time for me to cook dinner. As you may have seen on my Snapchat (happymumnz), we are enjoying a Bargain Box this week (courtesy of Bargain Box). Unfortunately I can’t eat any of it, due to Coeliac Disease, but I can still make it for everyone else.

Cooking dinner with kids is difficult, as I’m sure you all know. And thankfully the Bargain Box I was cooking was actually bloody easy. It was basically tomato pasta and chicken. Not hard.

I couldn’t taste it to see what it was like, but I just assumed it would taste ok for the kids.

Then I served it up to them, and that’s when shit hit the fan – both kids SCREAMED when they looked at it. Before they’d even tried it.

So I told them they had to have one bite before even judging it.

My girl was fine after the first bite. My son, however, proved to be very difficult. Spat his food out. Refused to eat. Wanted me to feed him – pretty much everything under the sun.

I put him in his room several times. And he screamed more than you could imagine (or maybe you could).

By the time my husband got home, I’d gone from super happy to super grumpy.

In fact, it’s making me re-think my whole “I only need one pill for post natal depression” stance. Maybe I need to up my dosage.

Shit like this just keeps happening. Small things push me over the edge and it drags me down. Seriously drags me down.

Damn you kids and your inability to just eat your food!  I know I need to not stress, but it’s easier said than done.

There was no purpose to this post other than to bitch. Because I’m over it. And feeling down. And it’s only day one of “back to school”.



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