13 Foods That Ruin Your Life & Home


13 Foods That Ruin Your Life & Home

Parenting is hard enough as it is, so when it comes time to feeding our kids, it can get messy. Over the last few years I’ve made some fascinating discoveries and feel it is my duty to share my findings with you.

Here are foods that you will need to up your parenting game for, otherwise they’re going to ruin your life and home :


1. Cooked Rice:
When it’s not directly in your child’s mouth, somehow it will find its way into every possible place. The floor. Your child’s ear. Your child’s hair. If you don’t vacuum / clean the rice up immediately, it will become like cement and impossible to remove. Be aware of this before serving it.


2.  Cupcakes / Muffins:
Do not give these to your child unless they are sitting at a table. Crumbs, half eaten muffins, and a whole lot of weirdness can be found in the creases of my couch thanks to these beasts.


3.  Bananas:
Your child will smush it into the worst place possible. And not tell you about it. And you will find it a week later. And you will spew a little in your mouth, and swear they’ll never eat another banana.


4.  Apples:
Do not give your child a whole apple, unless you want to find the apple core shoved down the edge of a couch or chair. In fact, not even the apple core – you’ll be lucky if your child eats more than a bite before discarding it in a place you can’t reach.


5.  Fruit Nuggets:
Once opened, these fruit cubes will go everywhere. Including the kitchen floor. Where, unless you pick them up immediately, you will stand on them several times, until they become a part of the floor. THEN the ants will attack it like it’s Christmas; and ants are grosse.


6.  Yoghurt in pouches:
Now I know you have good intentions by using these – they are technically much cleaner than a yoghurt pottle. But be aware of small hands – they will squeeze them without you knowing. They will also drop them anywhere on the floor, half used, waiting to be stood on :/ …


7.  Lollipops:
Half eaten lollipops stuck down places they shouldn’t be are the bane of my existence. A sticky mess is only the beginning …


8.  Grated Cheese:
Grated Cheese is fun for the kids to eat with but not fun for you to vacuum up or pick up each minuscule piece. Also, unless picked up straight away, it will harden and stick to the carpet.


9.  Spaghetti:
See Cooked Rice.


10.  Cheese Sticks:
Half eaten and down the couch. Enough said.


11.  Ice Cream in a Cone:
Watch your kids and the bottom of the cone. They will sneakily take a bite out of the bottom and then you won’t realise until ice cream has dripped all around the house.


12.  Fruit Jubes:
The ones that are coated in sugar. Watch those. The kids will suck the sugar off and spit the lollie out. Probably down the side of the couch.


13.  Any type of cereal:
They will spill it. And there will be tears. And you will have to clean up a milky-cereal mess.


Please, for the love of God, go and check down the side of your chairs / couches … chances are it’s a mess and a small colony of something weird has set up home because of the abundance of food there.

Do you guys have any additions to this?  Let me know!


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Cake! Clear a three metre radius for crumbs. Rolls with sesame seeds. Omfg don’t ever wish for a clean floor after those.


Im sure I could feed a small African villiage with the food that I vacuum from between my couch seats each week!!!


Weetbix! Goes on Great, sticks like concrete.
Fruit leather – Fun to chew on, even more fun to spit out.


We just had jelly… that stuff is hard to keep on the spoon between bowl and mouth ????

Jo-Anna's Attic

Milo! If you spill it and don’t wipe it up, it cakes on the floor/ bench/ wherever it lands!


Lambingtons. Might just be a New Zealand thing but it basically a square of sponge covered in some sort of liquid chocolate topping and TONS of desiccated coconut. You can’t even open the packet with out causing a coconut tsunami.

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