Friday Favourites: The One Doing It Alone

Friday Favourites: The One Doing It Alone

This week my husband went away for work (he’s still away), which meant this whole parenting gig has fallen solely on me. Which is fine – I’ve done it before. Each time he goes away it gets a little easier to manage, plus the kids are getting a bit older. When they were babies and he went away it was really hard.

Here are my five favourite things from this week!

Don’t forget this is a LINK UP! What that means is you can share your favourite blog from the week (if you run one), or perhaps something you have read. Just scroll to the bottom.

What has been your favourite (or least favourite) thing about this week?  Check out my five things:



Ronan was actually sick this week which meant I kept him rugged up, and at home. I feel so truly blessed to be able to stay at home and look after my kids like this. As much as having a sick kid can be incredibly difficult, I love looking after my kids when they’re sick – nothing brings me more pleasure.


FAVOURITE: Nespresso 

When Phil had his birthday a few weeks ago, I surprised him by buying a Nespresso Creatista. This was a bit of a self-serving present as my birthday was the next week, and I really really love coffee haha … but this machine has changed our life. If you follow me on Snapchat (happymumnz) or on Instagram (happymumhappychild) you will have seen it in action. It’s not a cheap machine but it’s bloody fantastic.


FAVOURITE: Automated Lights

Ok so this is 100% all my husband, but a few months ago he bought these lights called WeMo lights, from Bunnings. Basically they interface with your phone and you can turn the lights on and off (and a whole range of other things) from an app on your phone. My husband somehow managed to get Siri (on my iPhone) to listen to a command and turn these lights on and off. It’s bloody fantastic. I do not care that it makes me lazy – it’s so awesome being able to say “Hey Siri, turn all the lights off” and the lights turn off. Again – if you follow me on Snapchat or Instagram you will have seen this in action!



For 18 months we lived with an electric heater in our lounge. Some days it was so cold I’d have to turn the oven on to help heat the room. Since having a heat pump installed our lives have changed. My favourite feature is the timer, which goes on at 430am and blasts hot air into the lounge making it nice and warm for when I wake up at 445. Yes – 445am. I am crazy but at least I’m not freezing!


FAVOURITE: Westfield

A few months ago, Westfield asked me to be a part of their Monty Morning session in Auckland – to help bring awareness to this awesome monthly activity for under 5’s. It was quite successful so they’ve asked me to go down to Christchurch next week (30th May) and I am BEYOND excited! If you’re reading this and are from Christchurch – click HERE to find out details!


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