Keeping Energy Levels Up As A Parent

© Can Stock Photo / yacobchuk … this post is sponsored by Nutters

Keeping Energy Levels Up As A Parent

As soon as you become a parent, your energy levels take a serious dive. Instead of waking up drowsy and wondering if you’ll make it through the day, you’re waking up wondering if you’ll make it through the next ten minutes.

Parenting is beyond draining.

Here are some tips and tricks from me to you on how to ensure you keep your energy levels up as a parent:


1. Drink Water
Blah blah water you say – but yes drink water. Dehydration can affect your body before you realise and you can easily get super tired quicker or headaches. Add a wee bit of lemon juice to your water if water doesn’t interest you – just a bit of flavour can make all the difference!


2. Change Your Clothes
That might sound ridiculous, but when I first became a parent I found myself wearing my PJs pretty much ALL day. Changing out of your trackies and into regular clothes can actually boost your energy levels AND your mood.


3. Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Steady
Often if you’re lacking energy, you’ll grab something so full of sugar it’s crazy. Sugar does help but only momentarily, and then your system crashes from lack of sugar. What you need are foods that sustain energy, and keep your blood sugar levels steady – Nutters have a pretty extensive range of nuts to not only suit yourself but also your kids. If you’re needing to grab something, perhaps try the Bare-All Almonds, or the Cranberry-Nut Crash. Even just munching on a handful will help you keep going …


4. Exercise
Another “blah blah exercise” moment but we all know that even though the thought of doing exercise can make you feel drained, it’s actually known for increasing energy levels. So get outside! Fresh air does wonders for the soul – and it’ll help tire your kids out too LOL!


5. Blob Out
Sometimes you actually DO need to take five minutes. So sit down with the kids and watch a movie for a few minutes, or a TV show. There’s NOTHING wrong with this; and then while you’re at it, you and the kids can have a snack on some delicious Nutters Mus-tachios or even treat yourself to a Nutters More-ish Munch (LOL like how I just slipped that in there!).


6. Take A Shower
Honestly, having a shower can be so refreshing. Especially when you’re a parent, even a new parent: sometimes it might be the first time in a couple of days … a shower can make a huge difference in a parents’ life.


Like I mentioned above, parenting can be incredibly draining. An hour can seem like an eternity, so keeping your energy levels (and spirits!) up is crucial in surviving this parenting gig.

Grab a pack for the pantry or pop in your handbag – Nutters‘ range is perfect for any time of the day (or night!).

Nutters is a great way to not only keep those levels up, but also to treat yourself. Tame your cravings with one of Nutters‘ energy boosting snack packs – you can find their range in Countdown Supermarkets. GET IN QUICK THOUGH – they’re on sale!

Thanks very much to Nutters for making this post possible – love what you guys do and love your nuts hehe!


I have FIVE x Nutters Prize packs to give away – each containing a variety of packs from the Nutters snack pack range. Perfect to help keep your energy levels up as a parent.

Comment below and tell me which pack from the Nutters snack pack range you’d love to try the most!

For more entries, head back to Facebook and follow the instructions on the post that brought you here (and because I’m super nice, here’s a LINK to magically take you there rather than having to click back and forget and get lost .. oh I’m so helpful).

This giveaway is open to New Zealand residents only. Winners will be drawn at random. Closes 27.6.17.


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