Sick Kids!
Parenting is hard enough as it is, but when you throw sick kids into the mix, it gets even worse. Here are my posts that are all to do with sick kids!

The Dreaded C Word
That word … the dreaded C word … the one you never want to hear or know in your life at all. Croup. Some of

It’s Ok To Stop
This is my post to say to you as a parent – if you’re sick, it’s ok to stop. —————————- It’s ok to say to

How To Survive The Day
We all have those days (or weeks) where we just don’t know how we’re going to make it through. I’ve had it before and it’s

Kids And Dehydration
Every day we lose water in our body through sweat, tears, urine and stool. Water can also evaporate from the skin and leave our body

Tips For Helping Kids Survive Bugs
Tips For Helping Kids Survive Bugs I personally find Winter one of the toughest times of the year, but not surprisingly my kids can get

10 Boredom Busters for Young Kids
Whether it’s wet outside, your kids are sick or you need five minutes to yourself. These boredom busters are perfect for keeping your kids entertained:

To Go, Or Not To Go
To go, or not to go, to hospital… that is the question. You would think the answer would be ‘YES GO’ and it may be,

Sore Throat Remedies for Kids
When kids are sick, it is truly the worst. For starters, kids can’t really communicate with you how they feel, because they don’t know. And

Chicken Noodle Soup
We’re all sick in this house, so it’s the perfect time to pull out the Chicken Noodle Soup recipe. Made using our own Chicken Stock,

Family Friendly Blackcurrant Hot Toddy
Are you coming down with a cold? Can you see your kids with a runny nose? QUICK! Act now! Traditionally a Hot Toddy is a

Back to Basics
Today, my daughter was sick, so I kept her home from Kindy. Both kids played with puzzles, trains, food, and an old Christmas activity thing
Friday Favourites: The One With The Hospital
Friday Favourites: The One With The Hospital I’ve already written about my experience with the hospital, from the other day, which contains background on

Constantly Sick Child
Having a constantly sick child is horrific for the child, and extremely stressful for the parent as well. It certainly takes it’s toll on everyone.

Sick Kids
Sick kids are the WORST. Terrible for the kids, terrible for the parents. I have two young children – a 2 year old boy and

Activities for Sick Kids
Being sick sucks! You know it, I know it – your kid knows it. Often kids lie on the couch wanting to do nothing, in

Sick kids suck …
My daughter (almost 3) has been sick FOUR times in the last 8 weeks. 3 colds, and 1 hand foot & mouth. As a stay at