Here are 21 lies we tell our children. I’m pretty sure I’ve said at least half of them already LOLOLOLOL …
The original is from BuzzFeed 🙂
1. I’ll think about it
2. I’ll be there in a minute
3. If you just tell me the truth, you won’t get in trouble
4. If you don’t like what I made for dinner, you can go to bed hungry
5. I’ll give you something to cry about
6. I’m going to count to three
7. They don’t sell replacement batteries for that toy
8. You can’t have that now, but I’ll put it on your birthday list
9. I’ll treat you like an adult when you start behaving like one
10. If you don’t clean your room, I’m throwing all this stuff in the bin
11. I’m not going to ask you again
12. I didn’t bring any money with me
13. If you don’t come with me now, I’m leaving you here
14. There is no cake left – so no dessert sorry
15. The ice cream man only plays that song when they’re out of ice cream
16. The TV automatically switches over to Mummy & Daddy channels at 6pm
17. No I don’t know where your art projects went
18. Your Mum and I are going to bed too
19. Barney isn’t on TV anymore
20. You can play with that after your nap
21. If you eat one more piece, you can get down from the table
My best so far has been, “If you don’t go to sleep now you will get so tired your eyes will pop out of your head,” hahaha, it worked!