Parenting Tips, Tricks, Anecdotes, Jokes and so much more!

Giving The Kids Something To Look Forward To
We all know what it’s like when we know something exciting is coming up – it gives us purpose and can help us get through

My Kids Won’t Stay In Bed So I’ve Had To Improvise
My kids won’t stay in bed so I’ve had to improvise and have created a chart that you can use too, to help stop your

5 Tips To Slow Down The Apple Browning Process
My kids LOVE apples – they probably eat about 3 apples a day EACH. One of these is cut up an apple and popped into

My Daughter Told Me She Thought She Was Fat, And Now I’m Worried
The conversation started at dinner time when my 9 year old said “I don’t want to eat anymore, I feel fat“. I looked at my

Device Usage & Our Rules
Four years ago I wrote a blog called “Why I’ve Banned The iPad During The Week” but wanted to give you guys an update /

How Often Do You Change Your Sheets?
I took a poll the other day on my Instagram stories, asking how often people changed / washed their sheets. The result genuinely surprised me.

I’m Normalising Being Sober
What I’m gonna say may trigger people and that’s ok – I’ve decided to normalise being sober in this house. I’m not doing it because

My Kids Aren’t Into Sports, And I Don’t Care
You read it right – my kids aren’t into sports and I’m not going to push them into it either. I know it’s important kids

Wanting To Take A Break From My Kids Doesn’t Make Me A Horrible Parent
I love my kids, in more ways than I can even explain; but parenting is very overwhelming and taking a break from them makes me

I Worry A Lot About My Kids
I know most parents worry about their kids, but I feel like I worry A LOT about mine. Maybe I’m not alone in this, I’m

My Kids Are At School Now And I Feel Lost
When I became a parent, it was the scariest thing ever. I couldn’t wait to become a Mum, but the moment my baby was born,

Do You Know What Your Kids Are Doing Online?
As a child of the 80’s / 90’s, I was raised on TV, books and the outdoors. Eventually the computer; but NOT social media. So

Kiwi Dad Invents Phone Perfect For Kids’ First Phone
In this scary world full of technology, social media, bullying and all the horrible things in between; thinking about your child having a cellphone of

The Parenting Car Park Wars – Mum Gets Angry
I don’t know about you guys, but as a Mum, I freaking love a good parenting car park. They’re specifically for parents of young children

Tips For Dealing With Fussy Eaters
This post is sponsored by Zeapure. Dealing with fussy eaters can be absolute torture. One day they’re eating chicken and broccoli, the next they openly

This Dad Having A Conversation With His Baby Is ADORABLE
I don’t know about you guys, but when my daughter was younger she spoke her own language for at least 2 years. Looking back on

Realistic Date Night Ideas For Parents
When you become a parent, everything changes. Sometimes it gets better, but for the majority, it doesn’t. Parenting can sometimes split us apart; not necessarily

My Anxiety Is Ruining Me
I’ve always struggled a bit with anxiety. Before I had kids, I had a bit of a breakdown at work and quit my job after

Realistic Self-Care Tips For Parents
When you become a parent, you essentially split apart. Instead of worrying about yourself, or your partner, you now have to worry for a baby.

Kids, YouTube And The Alternatives
If you’re a parent of a child, you probably know about this “Momo” thing that’s been in the news. If you don’t, then I highly