Parenting Tips, Tricks, Anecdotes, Jokes and so much more!

Husband “Sexts” His Wife And It’s What We All Need
Some couples send each other nudes and sexy text messages (sexts) to spice up the relationship. However if you’re anything like my husband, and this

School Terms & Holidays For 2019, 2020, and 2021
In New Zealand the school year is divided into four terms, with usually a 2 week break between each of the first three terms, and

I’m Not A Mean Mum – I’m A Strict Mum
My main goal in parenting actually isn’t to be the cool Mum – it’s to raise good, kind children who aren’t jerks. If I have

Kids Having A YouTube Account?
So my daughter has expressed interest in making her own videos to go on YouTube and I can tell you right now, that is NEVER

What Kids Need To Know When They Start School
I worried a lot, as a parent, that my child wasn’t “ready” for school. However, because both my parents were teachers, they gave me a

We Need To Ban Public Smoking Around Schools AND Playgrounds
In New Zealand it is illegal to smoke on a school’s property AND in a car – but what about the area just outside of

Do Not Disturb Signs For Parents (free printables)
Too many times when my baby was sleeping, some yob would come knocking on the door extremely loudly; and wake the baby up. It would

I Know It’s Hard Now; But It Does Get Better
Parenting is bloody hard; especially at the beginning; especially as a new parent. It does get better though. I promise. I struggled so much when

How Dettol Wipes Are Perfect For Families On The Go
When you have children, everything gets grubby. Little fingers can transfer stickiness (from who knows where) all over the place, and young kids love putting

11 Things You Will Realise When You Use A Menstrual Cup
I am a pad wearer. Not a tampon user. A PAD WEARER. I’d tried tampons in the past but it freaked me out too much,

The Inland Revenue Is Giving Families A Tax Credit!
Great news guys! From the 1st July 2018, the the Government is increasing financial support for New Zealand families! Inland Revenue will manage this and
My Children Are So Different From Each Other
I have talked about this before – about the fact that although my kids are raised roughly the same, they’re actually quite different. I have

Being Pregnant With My Second Child
Before we had kids, I always knew I wanted more than one. In fact, I wanted at least 3 – mainly because I came from

Things Mums Shouldn’t Feel Bad About
In a world full of people telling us what to do as parents, I’m here to tell you that it’s ok. As a parent, every man

Mums confess to “The laziest thing I’ve ever done”
As a parent, I feel I am ridiculously lazy. Or as I like to call it “being smart”. I’ve put my kids to bed in

Being The Mum Can Be Overwhelming
I posted this on Facebook and I felt like it needed to be immortalised as a blog post here on my website – being Mum

Discount Codes
From time to time I am sent discount codes for my followers. I will only put the codes on here that are set up for

Believe It Or Not, I Am The Yelly Parent
Believe it or not, I am the yelly parent. I grew up around yelly parents (not my own) and I vowed never to be that

Teaching Your Kids About What To Do In An Emergency
I often wonder (and worry) what would happen in an emergency – what would my kids do? Would they know what to do? What if

Things You Should Never Say To A Stay At Home Parent
Oh so you’re just a mum? ——————- What do you do all day? ——————- Why is your house so messy? I thought you were home