Friday Favourites: The One With The Hospital


Friday Favourites: The One With The Hospital

The One With The Hospital

I’ve already written about my experience with the hospital, from the other day, which contains background on my constantly sick child.

However during the night, following the visit to the ER, we ended up having to rush her back to the hospital – she couldn’t breathe.  Her oxygen stats were really low, and it was quite scary for my husband.  Bless him – he was the one who made the executive decision to take her.  So I stayed at home, and looked after my 2 year old.

I am going to make a very honest confession right now: when he left the house, at midnight, I was relieved.  For the first time in a bloody long time, I was about to go back to sleep and not worry about “the cough”.  Not worry about it waking me up.  Not worry about having to calm a panicked child down.  Not having to think “how do I get this cough to stop”.  Because honestly, every waking moment it’s all I worry about.

I believe that was the best 4 hours sleep I ever got.  I feel like the most horrible mother in the world for thinking it – but it’s the truth.

ANYWAY …  I went and swapped places with my husband, and looked after my girl in hospital from 7am until 6pm.  During this time I made a few observations about my hospital experience:

  1. Everything about the Kids ER and the Kids ward rocks
  2. The Nurses rock
  3. The Doctors rock
  4. The food sucks
  5. The play rooms are unbelievably cool
  6. Not many gluten free options (woe is me)
  7. There is a tv, but it was useless – my phone proved to be a huge distraction

Both my husband and I sat down tonight and said that we felt really confident in the nurses and doctors hands.  We didn’t feel like they felt it was a chore to be there – like they loved doing what they do.  They genuinely cared for my child.

Now that might sound like the dumbest thing in the world to say – but we don’t have a lot of experience with hospitals.  Especially with staying there.  The only time I’ve stayed in a hospital for any period of time, was when I had my emergency c section.

Another cool thing we experienced, which I’m sure is a one-off, was they had a bit of a barnyard experience for the kids.  An area was set up outside where the patients could come and interact with farm animals.  There was face painting, bubbles, and very very friendly people.  If you follow me on Snapchat (happymumnz) you will see this.

Not that anyone from Middlemore will read this – but thank you to all the staff in the Kids ER and Kids First.  What they do is amazing, and I felt like we were the only people on the ward – that’s how amazing their care was.



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Happy Mum Happy Child



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