When Life Says “FK YOU”


When Life Says “FK YOU”

Come to the dark side, follow me on Snapchat: happymumnz

Le sigh.

Phil has been away for TWO WEEKS; and for two weeks I have struggled.

Mentally and physically; and foodally. Because I can’t stop eating food. DAMN YOU FOOD! *shakes fist*

It might have something to do with my self control but I’m blaming food.


TODAY he got back from his work trip to the Caribbean, and I had a day planned for us: the kids were off to Kindy and School and he and I were going to be able to debrief together.

I even thought we might go out for lunch.

So I wake up EXCITED. Have a coffee, get the kids up, we have breakfast. THE DAY IS GOING WELL.

I even put the rubbish out with a little spring in my step.

We get in the car, all rugged up (because it’s pouring down with rain) and head off to drop the kids off at School / Kindy.

We walk down to the school, and as we get through the school doors, Chloe turns to me and says:

Mum, look at my hands“.


I don’t even really see what she’s talking about, and TBH was kind of like “yeah yeah whatever”. But eventually I looked properly and saw spots on her hands; and blisters.


Then I have a flash back to last night when I remember her showing me spots on her feet, but I assumed they were itchy bites (there were only three spots last night on her toe).

MOTHER FKER. That means it’s Hand, Foot & Mouth.


It’s the last week before school holidays and she’s probably going to be at home.

So we get back in the car, and I think “well at least Ronan can go to Kindy”, and I start driving to Kindy.

30 seconds into driving, I realise I should probably call them because I know HFM is really contagious.

They say “better keep him at home“.


So there goes my day; my day of rest that I so desperately needed. The day of rest with my best friend – to de brief on the shit that has happened in the last two weeks.

I have struggled so badly, that the fact they were suddenly confined to home for a week made me laugh. You know the kind of laugh I mean: the crazy laugh.

The one where you’ve been pushed beyond all reason. Where you are like “that would be right”.

So now it looks like Chloe will be home ALL WEEK, and so will Ronan. Which means not only have the kids spent the last two weeks with me, they will now spend the next THREE WEEKS with me because the School Holidays start next week.



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